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美[ˌfaɪtoʊ'pæθədʒən]  英[faɪtəʊ'pæθədʒɪn]
n.  植物病原体


  1. Known as a phytopathogen with several host plants, Cylindrocarpon destructans as a bio-control agent was the first reported in this dissertation. 毁灭柱孢是一种寄主范围很窄的植物病原菌,对不同植物病原真菌有突出的拮抗效果,表明D-5是一株具有生防应用潜力的菌株。
  2. Hyperparasitic effect was observed at culture over lap of Cylindrocladium spathiphylli and some phytopathogen through microscope. 显微观察对峙培养的重叠区域,发现苞叶芋柱帚霉对部分病原菌有重寄生现象。
  3. The plant tissue is introduced to these genes via agrobacillus and in the callus culture, the callus resisting phytopathogen (bacteria and fungus) can be externally chosen. 植物组织通过农杆菌导入这些基因,并在愈伤组织期可以作体外选择抗植物病原菌(细菌和真菌)的愈伤组织;
  4. The study on the inhibition of cantharidin to phytopathogen 斑蝥素对植物病原菌抑制作用的研究
  5. Zoopathogen and phytopathogen (including germs and virus); 下列物品禁止入境动植物病原体(包括菌种、毒种等)、害虫及其他有害生物;
  6. Production and Roles of the Degrading Enzymes Prodused by Phytopathogen 植物病原茵产生的降解酶及其作用