involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction;
"picaresque novels" "waifs of the picaresque tradition" "a picaresque hero"
An episode in a picaresque novel. 流浪汉小说中的一个片断
PORNOSTAR is a picaresque fantasy of a salvation on the chaotic planet. 是一个歹徒关于拯救这个混乱星球的白日梦。
Invisible Man,writen by American black writer Ralph Ellison,is a typical picaresque novel. 美国黑人作家拉尔夫·艾里森 (RalphEllison)的小说《看不见的人》是流浪汉文学的经典之作。
The novel s hapless picaresque hero returns from abroad on the eve of the Sino-Japanese war. 从这些知识分子身上,我们还可以了解到当时的所谓文人学者的人生经历。
Often enough the destination didn't matter to a hitcher embarked on a personal picaresque. 对搭便车展开个人冒险的旅者,目的地通常并不重要;
These vivid common characteristics are the important symbols to distinguish picaresque novel from novels of other types. 这些鲜明的艺术共性,是我们区分流浪汉小说与其它小说体式的重要标尺。