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美  英
n.  黑人的小孩;小孩子


  1. (ethnic slur) offensive term for a Black child


  1. He tossed the reins of his horse to a small pickaninny standing near and started up the steps. He had already forgotten Scarlett's heartbreak and his mind was only on plaguing his valet. 他把缰绳扔给站在旁边的一个黑小子,然后大步走上台阶,他已经忘记了思嘉的伤心事,一心想去捉弄他的管家。
  2. He had alighted and tossed his bridle reins to a pickaninny and stood looking up at her, his drowsy gray eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright on his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver. 他跳下马,把缰绳扔给一个黑孩子,站在那里朝她望着,那双朦胧的灰色眼睛瞪得大大的,流露着微笑; 他的金黄色头发在阳光下闪烁,像一顶灿烂的王冠。
  3. Her recent graduation from a skinny pickaninny with brief skirts and stiffly wrapped braids into the dignity of a calico dress and starched white turban was an intoxicating affair. 他厉声命令着。因为思嘉正提起裙子准备跳下来。"让俺来驮你吧,你跟皮蒂小姐同一个毛病,像小孩似的不怕弄湿了脚。"
  4. and if the cares of the house kept her busy beyond the time when she expected to take her daily ride, she put the sugar bowl in the hands of some small pickaninny and said: "Give Nellie a handful and tell her I'll be out terrectly." 如果由于家务忙,她来不及在规定时去骑马散心时,她便把糖碗交给一个黑小子,吩咐他:"给乃利一把糖吃,告诉她我马上就出来。