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美[ˌpaɪə'zɒmətə]  英[ˌpaɪə'zɒmɪtə]
n.  压强计;耐压计
  形容词:piezometric  名词:piezometry


  1. a measuring instrument for measuring high pressures


  1. For best results in measuring static pressure, a piezometer ring should be used. 为了测静液压能取得最好的结果,应该用环形流压计。
  2. Errors producing for the spring piezometer in the use are amalyzed. Adjustment methods to remove the errors of the spring piezometer are introduced. 摘要对弹簧管式压力表在使用中产生的各种示值误差进行了分析,阐述了消除弹簧管式压力表示值误差的调整方法。
  3. The impact pressure of swirling jets, produced by water-cushion swirling abrasive jet nozzle, was measured by continuous shooting images of the symbol in the piezometer tubes. 摘要利用测压排摄像自动读数法,测量了水垫式旋转磨料射流喷嘴所产生旋转射流的冲击压强。
  4. The impact pressure of swirling jets,produced by water-cushion swirling abrasive jet nozzle,was measured by continuous shooting images of the symbol in the piezometer tubes. 利用测压排摄像自动读数法,测量了水垫式旋转磨料射流喷嘴所产生旋转射流的冲击压强。
  5. This paper gives a presentation of the leakage situation of both foundation and abutments of the Songhua dam based on piezometer observation data and puts forward study conclusions and proposals. 根据松华坝水库大坝的测压管观测资料,分析了主坝坝基及坝肩渗漏情况,认为大坝防渗工程大多完好,右岸存在一定程度的绕坝渗漏,建议在进一步查明渗漏的基础上,对其进行防渗处理。
  6. The authors think that it is untenable for restraining the application of slotted-pipe piezometer by dam height and delay reaction ruled in the technical specification for fill-dam monitoring. 土石坝安全监测技术规范中不应以坝高和渗压滞后作为限制采用测压管的理由,采用何种监测方式应注重实际效果;