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美[paɪl]  英[paɪl]
n.  堆;大量;绒面;桩;<俚>大笔钱财
v.  高大的旧建筑
sp.  堆积;积累;拥入;夸张
  形容词:piled  过去式:piled  过去分词:piled  现在分词:piling  第三人称单数:piles


  1. 桩,堆,柱,摞,垛,沓
  2. 绒毛,软毛,茸毛,绒头
  3. 电池
  4. 高大的建筑物,宏伟建筑物,建筑群
  5. <口>大数目,大量,大笔钱财
  6. 核反应堆
  1. 挤,拥,叠,装
  2. 累积,堆积,积压,积累,积聚,蓄积
  3. 把桩打入,用桩支撑
  4. 摞起,叠放,堆放,堆起,堆叠,堆于,在...堆东西,把...堆在,放置
  5. 使雪上加霜,伤口上撒盐
  6. (尤指体重)使迅速增加,猛增
  7. 夸张,夸大其词
  8. 过度施加
  9. 给…增加工作,使负担加重
  10. 装入,装载
  11. 蜂拥,拥挤
  12. 进(入),走(出)


  1. [C]一堆,一叠 a tidy collection of objects, especially when made of a number of things of the same kind placed on top of each other
  2. [S]大量的钱,财产 a very large amount of money; fortune
  1. vt. & vi. 堆起; 堆叠 make into a pile; put on or in a pile


  1. a collection of objects laid on top of each other
  2. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;

    "a batch of letters" "a deal of trouble" "a lot of money" "he made a mint on the stock market" "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos" "it must have cost plenty" "a slew of journalists" "a wad of money"

  3. a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit);

    "she made a bundle selling real estate" "they sank megabucks into their new house"

  4. fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)
  5. battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta
  6. a column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure
  7. the yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave;

    "for uniform color and texture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction"

  8. a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
  1. arrange in stacks;

    "heap firewood around the fireplace" "stack your books up on the shelves"

  2. press tightly together or cram;

    "The crowd packed the auditorium"

  3. place or lay as if in a pile;

    "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"


  1. accumulate a pile积成一堆
  2. form a pile形成一堆
  3. make a pile of堆起
  4. make one's pile发财
  5. sink a pile打桩
  1. atomic pile原子反应堆
  2. huge pile巨大的一堆
  3. smooth pile平滑的绒面
  4. soft pile柔软的绒面
  5. thick pile厚厚的绒面
  1. junk pile垃圾堆
  2. rubbish pile垃圾堆
  1. be stacked in a pile被堆成一堆
  2. lie in piles(书等)一堆堆地放着
  3. into pile分类堆放
  1. pile against the fence贴着篱笆堆积
  2. pile into the car挤进汽车
  3. pile off the bus挤下公共汽车
  4. pile on〔onto〕把…堆到…上
  5. pile the books on top of the shelf把书堆到架子上
  6. pile the meat onto the plate把肉堆在盘子里
  7. pile with用…堆满
  8. pile with paper堆满了纸
  9. pile the cart with fruits把水果堆到车上
  1. pile book堆书
  2. pile box堆箱子
  3. pile fruit堆水果
  4. pile leaves堆树叶
  5. pile letter堆信
  6. pile straw堆稻草
  7. pile vegetable堆蔬菜
  1. pile high堆积如山
  2. pile commercially商业积累
  3. pile grudgingly勉强地堆积
  4. pile incessantly持续不断地堆积
  5. pile indiscriminately不分好坏地堆积
  6. pile monumentally雄伟地堆叠
  7. pile murderously极其危险地堆积
  8. pile simultaneously同时堆积
  9. pile slowly慢慢地堆积
  10. pile toweringly高高地堆积
  11. pile unbelievably不可思议地堆积
  12. pile widely大规模地堆积
  13. pile in(使)挤进
  14. pile off成群地离开
  15. pile on堆上,挤上
  16. pile out涌出
  17. pile up堆成山
  18. pile up debts债台高筑


  1. We put the books in piles on the floor.我们把书在地板上堆起来。
  2. I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.我有一大堆信件要处理。
  3. The thick pile of a luxurious bath towel touches soft.这块华丽浴巾的厚绒面摸起来很柔软。
  4. He has made a study on depth effect of pile foundation.他对桩基深度效应进行了探讨。
  5. See that pile of lumbering by the barn?你看见谷仓旁的那堆木材吗?
  1. The little boy is piling up his building blocks.小男孩正在搭积木。
  2. The cart is piled high with fruit and vegetables.马车上堆满了水果和蔬菜。
  3. Try to solve it immediately and never pile up problems for yourself.尽量快点解决,不要为自己积攒问题。
  4. Cars often pile up here in the rush hours.在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团。
  5. They pile into me from all sides.他们从四面八方向我压过来。
  6. It's probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on.大概不像她说的那么糟--她确实有意夸大事实。
  7. The situation is frightful, but it's just piling on the agony to keep discussing it.情况很可怕,可是还一个劲儿地议论让人觉得更可怕。


    pile的基本意思是“堆,叠”,通常指由人将同类的东西或形状大小相同的东西堆成一堆,并暗示井井有条,是可数名词。pile作“一大堆,大量”解时常用作复数形式,但仍表示单数意义。 pile后可接of,其后可接具体名词,也可接抽象名词。“pile of+ n. ”作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。 pile在非正式语体中可作“大量的钱,财产”解,常用单数形式,可与不定冠词a连用。 pile还可指木头、锯或水泥的“桩”。
    pile用作动词的意思是“堆积”,通常指把同类或形状大致相同的东西一层一层堆放起来,暗含有“有秩序地”。引申可作“积累”解。 pile可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 pile in〔into〕意思是“挤进; 塞进”; pile it on意思是“夸张,夸耀”; pile with意思是“使上面堆满…”。