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美[pɪntʃ]  英[pɪntʃ]
n.  捏;少量;一撮;困苦;<俚>偷窃
v.  掐;夹痛;使困苦;<俚>偷窃;逮捕
  过去式:pinched  过去分词:pinched  现在分词:pinching  第三人称单数:pinches


  1. 捏,撮,夹,拧,掐
  2. <俚>逮捕,拘留
  3. 少量,一撮,微量,少许
  4. <俚>偷窃
  5. 困苦
  6. 匮乏,紧缺
  7. 收缩
  8. 紧要时刻,紧急情况
  9. 夹痛,挤痛
  1. <俚>逮捕 ,拘留
  2. 修剪
  3. 掐掉
  4. 使消瘦
  5. 挤压
  6. 收缩,压缩,狭缩,使萎缩,使缩作一团
  7. 使疼痛,折磨
  8. 使苦恼
  9. <俚>偷取,擅自拿取
  10. 挤痛,夹痛,轧痛
  11. 节省,俭省,节约
  12. 吝惜,吝啬,小气
  13. 夹(脚),捏,拧,撮,挟,掐,紧
  14. 使感拮据,使感缺乏
  15. <美>变薄
  16. 勒索,诈取
  17. 削减


  1. vt. & vi. 捏,掐,夹,挤 take in a tight grip between the thumb and finger
  2. vt. & vi. 吝啬 be niggardly
  1. [C]捏,掐,夹,拧 an act of pinching sb
  2. [C]一撮,微量 an amount that can be picked up between the thumb and a finger
  3. [S]困苦,穷苦 suffering caused by lack of necessary things


  1. a painful or straitened circumstance;

    "the pinch of the recession"

  2. an injury resulting from getting some body part squeezed
  3. a slight but appreciable amount;

    "this dish could use a touch of garlic"

  4. a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action;

    "he never knew what to do in an emergency"

  5. a small sharp bite or snip
  6. a squeeze with the fingers
  7. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal);

    "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"

  1. squeeze tightly between the fingers;

    "He pinched her behind" "She squeezed the bottle"

  2. make ridges into by pinching together
  3. make off with belongings of others
  4. cut the top off;

    "top trees and bushes"

  5. irritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear;

    "smooth surfaces can vellicate the teeth" "the pain is as if sharp points pinch your back"


  1. pinch a child捏小孩
  2. pinch money勒索金钱
  1. pinch approvingly许可地捏
  2. pinch cruelly残酷地掐
  3. pinch economically财政拮据
  4. pinch playfully开玩笑地掐
  5. pinch spitefully怀有恶意地拧
  6. pinch warningly警告地掐
  7. pinch back掐掉
  8. pinch off〔out〕捏掉,修剪
  9. pinch out one's cigarette掐灭香烟
  1. the pinch of hunger饥饿之苦
  2. a pinch of salt一撮盐
  1. give a pinch拧了一下
  2. stand the pinch忍受贫困之苦
  1. playful pinch开玩笑的拧
  2. spiteful pinch恶意的拧


  1. She gave him a painful pinch.她捏得他很痛。
  2. He put a pinch of salt on his food.他在自己的食物上撒了一撮盐。
  3. Even the town council is now feeling the pinch.连市政府目前都感到经费困难。
  1. He decided to pinch back the buds on the plant.他决定将植物上的芽掐掉。
  2. She had to pinch herself to make sure she was not dreaming.她不得不掐一下自己,弄清楚自己不是在做梦。
  3. The new shoes pinched my toes.这双新鞋紧得夹脚趾。
  4. The door pinched my finger as it shut.门关上时夹了我的手指。
  5. They were ready to pinch themselves for years.他们准备使自己过几年拮据的生活。
  6. He's been pinching money from the cashbox.他一直在偷钱箱里的钱。
  7. He was still carrying the stolen goods when he was pinched.他被逮捕的时候身上还带着赃物。


    pinch的基本意思是用手“捏”“掐”“夹”“挤”,也可表示“紧压”“挤痛”。引申可作“节省”“吝啬”解。 pinch可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 在非正式用语中, pinch还可作“偷窃”“未经许可而取用”解。 pinch后接介词with表示“因…而困苦或痛苦”,常用于被动结构。