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美['paɪntə]  英['paɪntə]
n.  一品脱的饮料;品他病(热带地区的一种传染性皮肤病)


    La benda luno esan kiel eta bowto,
  1. Any of a group of spirochetes of the genus Treponema, including those that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws. 密螺旋体任一种密螺旋体属螺旋体的群体,包括那些引起梅毒、品他病和雅司病的各种螺旋体
  2. Any of a group of spirochetes of the genus Treponema,including those that cause syphilis,pinta,and yaws. 密螺旋体任一种密螺旋体属螺旋体的群体,包括那些引起梅毒、品他病和雅司病的各种螺旋体
  3. Fame came to George in 1971 when he was discovered on the tiny uninhabited island of Pinta. 乔治的出名源于1971年在无人居住的小岛品他上被发现。
  4. A GREENER pinta, and more of it, is being promoted by Dairy UK, the voice of china dairy industry. 价格优势,非常健康网为什么能够承诺所有产品都是优质营养健康产品,又能够拥有如此领先的价格优势?
  5. Some pathologists argue that pinta, yaws and syphilis are caused by the same spirochete, T. pallidum. 一些病理学家说服那pinta,偏航并且梅毒被引起由一样的spirochete,T。