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美[paɪp]  英[paɪp]
n.  管子;烟斗;管乐器
vt.  以管输送;装管道;吹奏;尖声说;(为衣服等)滚边
vi.  吹奏管乐;尖叫
  过去式:piped  过去分词:piped  现在分词:piping  第三人称单数:pipes


  1. 管乐器
  2. 烟斗, 烟袋
  3. 笛,笛声
  4. 尖锐的声音
  5. 管,管子,管道
  6. 导管
  7. 管状器官
  8. 鸟鸣声
  9. 呼吸器官
  10. 最大桶
  11. <口>容易干的事
  12. 音管
  13. 输送管
  14. 声带
  15. 一袋烟
  1. 吹奏管乐,用管乐器吹奏
  2. 用管道输送,传送 ,传输
  3. 唱(歌)
  4. 说话,叫
  5. 尖声叫嚷,尖声鸣叫, 尖声地说,发出尖音,尖叫
  6. 用线路系统传输
  7. 安静些,别说话,别嚷嚷
  8. 开始说,说起来
  9. 为...铺设管道
  10. 吹(笛),吹口笛,用笛子吹奏
  11. 为…滚边,为…浇饰花边
  12. 【海】召集
  13. 吹笛子引诱
  14. 吹哨子下令(表示欢迎)
  15. 滚边,镶花边,裱花(用裱花袋把糖霜等裱在糕点上),绲边
  16. 鸣啭
  17. 缩孔
  18. 吹水手长的哨子传递命令


  1. [C]管子,管道 tube through which liquids or gases can flow
  2. [C]烟斗,一烟斗的烟丝 narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco; amount of tobacco this can hold
  3. [C]管乐器,音管 wind instrument consisting of a tube with holes that are covered and uncovered by the fingers to make musical notes
  4. [P]风笛 bagpipe
  5. [C]水手长吹的哨子 (sound of a) whistle used by a boatswain
  6. [C]鸟鸣,鸟鸣声 song or note of a bird
  7. [C]大酒桶的量,大酒桶 (contents of a) cask which can hold about 105 gallons of wine
  1. vt. 以管输送 convey water, etc. through pipes
  2. vt. & vi. 用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭,唱 play a tune on a pipe; (a bird) whistle sing
  3. vt. 传送 transmit sth by wire or cable
  4. vt. 吹哨子下令(表示欢迎) call or give orders, or welcome onto a ship by blowing a pipe
  5. vt. 绲边,镶花边 ornament sth with piping


  1. a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
  2. a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
  3. a hollow cylindrical shape
  4. a tubular wind instrument
  5. the flues and stops on a pipe organ
  1. utter a shrill cry
  2. transport by pipeline;

    "pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert"

  3. play on a pipe;

    "pipe a tune"

  4. trim with piping;

    "pipe the skirt"


  1. break pipe折断管子
  2. enjoy pipe喜欢吸烟斗
  3. fill pipe装烟斗
  4. fix pipe安管子,修理管道
  5. hit pipe击中管子
  6. knock ashes out of pipe把烟灰磕出来
  7. lay pipe铺设管道
  8. light pipe点烟
  9. puff at pipe抽烟斗
  10. puff on pipe抽烟斗
  11. relay pipe重新铺设管道
  12. smoke pipe吸烟斗
  13. suck pipe抽烟斗
  1. blocked pipe堵塞的管道
  2. broken pipe破管子
  3. burst pipe破裂的管道
  4. full pipe满满一烟斗
  5. good pipe好烟斗
  6. main pipe总管道
  7. metallic pipe金属管
  8. seamless pipe无缝管
  9. vertical pipe垂直的管道
  10. wooden pipe木制烟斗
  1. bamboo pipe竹管
  2. drain pipe排水管
  3. exhaust pipe排气管
  4. feed pipe供给管
  5. gas pipe煤气管
  6. overflow pipe溢流管
  7. peace pipe象征和平的烟斗
  8. steam pipe蒸汽管
  9. steel pipe钢管
  10. stove pipe炉子的烟道
  11. waste pipe排放废水〔气〕的管子
  12. water pipe水管
  1. pipe a skirt给裙子绲边
  2. pipe a tune用笛子吹奏一支曲子
  3. pipe music播放有线广播的音乐
  4. pipe oil用管输送油
  1. through pipe通过管子
  1. pipe sth for gas为…安装煤气管道
  2. pipe into用管道把…输入
  3. pipe over向…播送
  4. pipe to传送到…
  5. pipe all hands to work吹哨子命令全体水手工作
  6. pipe with sth用…装饰,用…绲边
  1. pipe away不断地吹奏,用管道排除或输送
  2. pipe down安静下来
  3. pipe up开始吹奏,开始唱,开始(大声)说话


  1. Water is spouting out of the pipe.水正从管子里喷出来。
  2. The workers are laying pipes under the road.工人们正在道路下面铺设管道。
  3. The plumber went down to the cellar to fix the leaky pipe.管道工到地下室去修漏水的管子。
  4. He rammed the tobacco into his pipe.他把烟丝塞进烟斗。
  5. The snake rose out of the backet and began to follow the movements of the pipe.蛇从篮子里探出身随着管乐器的节奏而动起来。
  1. The people in the village used to pipe water .这个村子里的人过去常以管道输送水。
  2. He would pipe away on his flute all day and night.他可以整天整夜地吹奏长笛。
  3. The woman piped her disapproval.那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。
  1. He would pipe away on his flute all day and night.他可以整天整夜地吹奏长笛。
  2. Wind began to pipe around the tall building.风在高层建筑四周呼啸起来。


    pipe的基本意思是“管子,管道”,引申可表示“烟斗,一烟斗的烟丝”“管乐器,音管”“水手长吹的哨子(声)”“鸟鸣,鸟鸣声”“大酒桶,一大酒桶的量”等,是可数名词。 pipe作“风笛”解时,常用复数形式。
    pipe用作动词意思是“用管子输送,为…装管子”。引申可作“用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭,唱”“传送”“吹哨子下令(表示欢迎)”“绲边,镶花边”等解。 pipe可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 pipe后接副词 down表示“住嘴,停止往下谈”; 后接副词up表示“开始吹奏”“开始说”。