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美[pɪ'sɪvərəs]  英[pɪ'sɪvərəs]
adj.  食鱼的


  1. feeding on fishes


  1. Inhabits swamps and rivers. This species is essentially a piscivorous (Ref. 9695, 28714). Diet includes snails and crustaceans (Ref. 30488). 栖息于沼泽与河。这种实质上是以鱼为食。(参考文献9695,28714)食物包括蜗牛与甲壳动物。(参考文献30488
  2. The position of the eyes and the shape of the mouth of this piscivorous fish give to its stalking mode of hunting (Ref. 35381). 眼的位置与这个以鱼为食的鱼的嘴巴的形状给它的猎食的秘密接近的模式。
  3. The particularity of tow toxins from Conus vexllium also indicates different function or targets between vermivorous conus and piscivorous conus toxins. 而来自菖蒲的两个新型毒素在结构上的特殊性暗示了食虫芋螺毒素在功能上的差别。
  4. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a piscivorous teleost fish, found only in the fresh waters of North America. It has delicious flesh, and is a good game fish. 大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides),地方名加州鲈鱼、黑鲈,是一种淡水温水性鱼类,原产于美国加利福尼亚州,肉质细嫩,味道极佳,在原产地是游钓渔业的重要对象。
  5. The water stream of Geumdang Valley joins with that of Pyeongchang River past Gaesuri.Pyeongchang River is a perfect fishing site for Mandarin fish, Korean piscivorous chubs, and Daces. 金堂溪谷的水流经价水里汇入平昌江,而平昌江则有着丰富的桂鱼、小鲤鱼等,是溪边垂钓的最佳场所。
  6. This species inhabits rivers and swamps (Ref. 9695). It migrates to the flooded lands and swamps to spawn (Ref. 3074, Ref. 43852). It appears to be entirely piscivorous when adult (Ref. 3034). 这一个种居住于河流与沼泽。(参考文献9695)它迴游到被水淹没的土地,而且沼泽产卵。(参考文献3074;参考文献43852)它状似完全以鱼为食当成熟的时候.;(参考文献3034