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美[ˌplætɪ'tjuːdɪnəs]  英[ˌplætɪ'tjuːdɪnəs]
adj.  平凡的;陈腐的


  1. dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality;

    "bromidic sermons"


  1. The whole speech was platitudinous nonsense. 整篇讲话都是陈谷子烂芝麻.
  2. What troubles me most about this is not the workshop or platitudinous questionnaire. It is the DNA bit. 我最感到苦恼的还不是研讨班,也不是这种陈腐的问卷调查,而是机构DNA这码事。
  3. The preparation of platitudinous communication and information is essential for making the project of equipment purchase. 设备购置计划要通过完整的招标体制来落实。
  4. The later belongs to platitudinous conditions for guaranteeing high mass transfer efficiency, and they can be adjusted based on the concrete cond... 并首次推荐以液噻点作为塔板操作的流体力学下限和提出了最大雾沫夹带的预测关联式。
  5. The processes need elaborate design, scientific management, platitudinous support of scientific research, and omnidirectional considerations of tourists' safety. 其营造过程需要精心设计、科学管理和充足的科研支撑,并需要全方位考虑游人安全问题。
  6. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. 它存续至今,是因为读者欣赏爽身怡心的刺激和不拘谦恭的告诫,它提醒读者,他们生活的世界里充满了陈腐的意识、低俗的道德说教和愚蠢的哲学理念。