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美['pleɪdeɪt]  英['pleɪdeɪt]
n.  (影片等的)上映期


  1. Or your child's best friend, the one who showed up for a playdate with a runny nose and a short supply of tissues. 也许是你孩子的好朋友,在游乐会上大流鼻涕而找不到纸巾。
  2. I found Friday Playdate after a nice reader mentioned The Happiness Project in the comments section. 在评论区的一位好心读者的提醒下,我发现了FridayPlaydate网站。
  3. Telling a two year old that we were leaving a playdate in five minutes wasn’t giving him any information that he could understand. 我和我丈夫对儿子一直以计算时间的方式教育孩子。
  4. STRETCH IT OUTJessica Alba's almost-7-month-old daughter Honor Marie gets warmed up for a playdate with Mom during a visit Saturday to a Beverly Hills playground. 在贝弗利希尔斯山庄的游乐场,杰西卡·奥尔芭的约7个月大的女儿欧诺·玛丽依靠在妈妈的怀里取暖。
  5. A playdate once a week? 每周约在一起玩一次?
  6. “This is Sam. She's over for a playdate.” “这是萨姆,她是过来陪我玩的。”