A polymer of two or more different monomers. 共聚物一种由两种或多种不同单体构成的聚合物
A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer. 单体可以与其他分子结合形成聚合物的分子
A short polymeric chain of two to ten nucleotides. 低(聚)核苷酸由两个到十个核苷酸构成的一条短聚体链
The insulated polymeric film was proved to be polymer arylether by time-resolved rapid scan infrared spectroscopy. 利用超微电极技术研究了丹皮酚电化学氧化的动力学过程,并用时间分辨快速扫描现场红外光谱电化学证明了电极表面的聚合物膜是芳醚类聚合物。
Ferric Chloride alone gives polymer with benzene. 三氧化铁可单独催化苯的聚合。
A designed organic compound of triazine thiols monosodium(TTN) was used for preparing polymeric film(PTT) on pure copper by polymer plating. 通过有机镀膜的方法;利用一种自设计合成的三嗪硫醇化合物(TTN)在铜.;面制备有机薄膜。