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美[ˌpɒliθi'ɪstɪk]  英[ˌpɒliθi'ɪstɪk]
adj.  多神教的;信奉多神教的


  1. worshipping or believing in more than one god


  1. First, there are basically at the same stage of development, for a number of polytheistic deity. 首先,两者基本上处于同一发展阶段,多为有主神的多神教。
  2. Sumerian religion was polytheistic, that is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods. 苏美尔人的宗教拾多神教,也就是,苏美尔人奉信和膜拜很多神灵。
  3. Still unreached by missionaries, the 11,790 polytheistic Naru and the 11,650 animistic Daizhan live in spiritual darkness. 790位迷信多神的纳儒人和11,650位迷信精灵的带占人没有听过福音,仍活在黑暗的属灵光景中。
  4. In other cases (e.g.Ex. 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.), it refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods. 另一个例子(出埃及记,20:3除我以外,你不应有其他的神),这是用来指代多神教观点的众多位神。
  5. It concludes that Confucianism is polytheistic or with obvious polytheistic elements, whereas Judaism is a typically monotheistic system. 犹太教的经书长期被视为神的启示,而儒学的经典则被认为是人言,因而神圣性与权威性不足;
  6. The horse stood still till he had finished the hymn, which Jude repeated under the sway of a polytheistic fancy that he would never have thought of humouring in broad daylight. 马静静站着,直到他把颂歌读完;他因为受到多神教的幻念的强大有力的支配,一时间朗诵不已;倘若平时在光天化日之下,他断乎不会一时兴起,如此宣泄自己的感情。