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美['pɔɪtns]  英['pɔːtns]
n.  <古>举止; 仪态; 行为


  1. The im portance of fireproof for steel structures is indicated. 指出了钢结构防火保护的重要性;
  2. Selection of the finest quality wood is of highestim portance. 精选木材是企业最重要的工作.
  3. Secondly, attach im- portance to dynastic research and works research. 做好资料整理工作,继续重视断代、专书研究;
  4. At this turn of the centuries, the educational reform of undergraduate physics is of urgent im portance. 世纪之交,大学物理教育改革是当务之急。
  5. When a door of the happiness is closed, another opens, but us, we continue to look at the losed door and we do not attahim portance to that which we have just opened. 当快乐之门关闭时,另一扇开启,但是我们,往往继续紧盯着那关闭的门而忽视那已开启的。
  6. And it also proposed that im portance might be attached to the evaluation of the continued m edical education and all the medical personnel might be further trained and ne... 提出了重视对继续医学教育效果的评价,对各类卫技人员都要开展继续医学教育和继续医学教育本身也要采用新技术的思考。