The chinese international postalcode is 00 86. 中国的国际区号是0086。
Creates a field called Address2 that displays the values in the City, Region, and PostalCode fields, separated by spaces. 创建一个称为“地址2”的字段,其中显示“城市”、“地区”和“邮政编码”字段中的值,这些值用空格分隔。
The following example creates a trigger that prints a message to the client when anyone tries to update the StateProvinceID or PostalCode columns of the Address table. 以下示例将创建一个触发器,如果有人尝试更新Address表的StateProvinceID或PostalCode列时,该触发器将向客户端输出一条消息。
You need not postalcode. 你真的不需要什么邮政编码。
SELECT *FROM Person.AddressORDER BY PostalCode ASC; 注解的最大长度没有限制。
the products arrive?5.What's your postalcode and adress? 5:你们的邮政编码和地址是多少?