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美[ˌpoʊstembriː'ɒnɪk]  英[pəʊstembrɪ'ɒnɪk]
adj.  [生]胚后期的


  1. Investigation on Postembryonic Growth of Apis mellifera L. 意大利蜜蜂胚后发育的观察与研究。
  2. Furthermore, it possesses a curved, open embryonic fissure denoting an asymmetrical postembryonic growth of the eye. 此外,尚具有一弯曲的、有开口的胚胎裂缝,表明眼的不对称性胚后生长。
  3. The postembryonic development and fecundity of P.piraticus were investigated at 6 constant temperatures. 报道了温度对真水狼蛛发育和繁殖的影响。
  4. Totipotent cell s have the capacity to specialize into extraembryonic membranes and tissues, the embryo, and all postembryonic tissues and organs. 全能细胞能够专门化胚外膜和组织,胚胎和所有胚胎后组织和器官。
  5. Results We showed that ANP and NPR-A were both expressed in the rat cochlea from postembryonic stage to early postnatal period. 结果在大鼠耳蜗组织中可以检测到ANP及NPR-A基因的表达,并发现随着大鼠发育成熟其耳蜗组织中ANP表达出现明显降低甚至消失,而NPR-A的表达无明显变化。
  6. The postembryonic development of Rana chensinensis which had been moved to South China were first studied in this paper. 摘要首次对中国林蛙在华南地区的胚胎后期发育进行观察研究。