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美['poʊsthaʊs]  英['pəʊsthaʊs]
n.  译舍


  1. an inn for exchanging post horses and accommodating riders


  1. It is you that embrace us with an immanence and omnipotent power, and it is you that set a posthouse for all ants here. 是你用内在而广博的力量拥抱我们,是你为我们提供了业余生活,是你木蚂蚁。
  2. Our Petit bourgeois Holiday Hotel provides you cozy,romantic,comfortable, modernroom service.It's a good posthouse of life to record journey. 酒店为您提供温馨、浪漫、舒适、极赋现代情调的客房服务是一个以挖掘、观省、意向的审美方式来记录“旅途”的人生驿站。
  3. It had become a folk communication agency paralleled to the post-house.In the end of the Qing dynasty, the traditional posthouse declined day by day. 到清末,民信局在数量上已达数千家,成为与邮驿平行的民间通信机构。
  4. There was a posthouse at the foot of Taihang Mountains in ancient times.A tavern is next to the posthouse and a variety store is opposite to posthouse and tavern. 传说古时候太行山脚下有一驿馆,驿馆边有一客栈,驿馆和客栈的对面是一家山货铺。
  5. The boss of tavern feels greatly relieved.When the posthouse official heard of the news, they also ask for the soup.And Lonicera also asked her daughters to send to the soup. 驿丞知道后,也向忍冬求药,忍冬煎熬好后让女儿们送去,公差们喝了也觉得病好了许多,没几天就康复了。
  6. Xuande, having been wondered what the inspector's next step, then he heard the commotion outside the posthouse and was told, “Commander Zhang is beating the life out of somebody there. 玄德正纳闷间,听得县前喧闹,问左右,答曰:"张将军绑一人在县前痛打。"