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美['prɑːhuː]  英['prɑːhuː]
n.  =proa[变体]


  1. Full day tour Proa and Chiang Mai area and see several major hilltribes. Afterthat, enjoy elephant riding and bamboo rafting. 一天游:游览清迈地区以及周遍的山地部落,欣赏大象作业和乘竹筏。
  2. Responsibilities: - Manage QA team to educate factories and merchandising teams on international, company and customer quality requirements. - Proa... 公司性质:合资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:10年以上最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历
  3. The inspiration originated from the structure of "Proa", with ringent trailing wheels to maintain vehicle body's stability. 他的概念来自于三点式帆船,通过两个张开的后轮来保持车身的稳定性。
  4. Sensors on the slopes of the two mountains -- Anak Krakatoa on the southern tip of Sumatra and Tangkuban Prahu in Java -- picked up an increase in volcanic activity and a buildup of gases, government volcanologist Syamsul Rizal said on Wednesday. 印尼火山学家上周三说,安放在苏门答腊岛南端的喀拉喀托火山和爪哇岛上的唐库班珀拉胡火山山坡上的传感器检测到这两座火山的活动在加剧,而且气体也在积聚。
  5. Scientists on Wednesday raised the alert level for Anak Krakatoa and Tangkuban Prahu -- which regularly spew gas and rumble -- from "normal" to "warning," the middle of three alert levels. 上周三,科学家们将喀拉喀托火山和唐库班珀拉胡火山的警戒度由“正常”提高到“警告”,三级警戒的中间等级,因为这两座火山近来定期喷出火山灰,并发出隆隆的声音。
  6. polarized refrigerant oil additive (PROA) 极化冷冻机油添加剂