Tourist forget their preconceive idea as soon as they visit our country. 游客访问了我国之后立刻消除了他们的先入之见。
I turned on the light,just like my preconceive,the voice stopped again. 我打开灯,和预想的一样,那歌声又停了。
Preconceive plans and goals for your week in order to make your mornings more refreshing. 预想的周计划和目标是为了让的你早晨更加的清晰。
so we begin to preconceive what that reality must be or should be, and shape that reality according to our fancies and whims, according to our prejudices and temperaments. 所以我们就开始设想这个真实必须或者应该是什么样的,根据我们异想天开的幻想,根据我们的偏见和性情,定义了这个真实。