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美[priːdɪ'næstɪk]  英[priːdɪ'næstɪk]
adj.  (尤指公元前3100年古埃及的) 王朝统治以前的


  1. In predynastic Egypt, by the 4th millennium BC shipping was well established, and the donkey and possibly the dromedary had been domesticated. 公元前4000年,王朝统治以前的埃及已经充分建立好了海运,已经驯养驴子,很可能还驯养童峰骆驼。
  2. Libya is located on the west of Egypt.As a neighbor of Egypt, Libya had maintained a certain relationship with Egypt since the predynastic period. 利比亚位于埃及的西部,作为埃及的近邻,自埃及文明开启以来就与埃及有着密切的联系。
  3. These burial customs clearly reflect the religious beliefs of the Predynastic Egyptians and the main characteristics of the primitive religion of Egypt. 这些埋葬习俗清楚地反映了前王朝时代埃及人的宗教信仰和埃及原始宗教的主要特点。
  4. Burial Custom is an important substance in the study of the Predynastic culture of Egypt, and it is also reflects the ideology of the Egyptians at that time. 摘要埋葬习俗是研究埃及前王朝时代文化的一个重要内容,而且也反映了当时埃及人的思想意识。
  5. The burial customs, such as the interment of adults and infants, the grave-goods and the burial orientation had existed in the Predynastic period of Egypt according to the Egyptian archaeological materials. 根据埃及考古发掘材料,埃及前王朝时代已出现成人葬和幼儿葬、随葬品以及埋葬方向等习俗。
  6. For example, shipping in predynastic Egypt was already established by the 4th millennium BC along with domestication of the donkey, with the dromedary possibly having been domesticated as well. 例如,公元前4千年,随着对驴子的驯养,很可能同时也驯养单峰骆驼,王朝统治以前的(尤指公元前3100年的古埃及)埃及已经有了海运。