Osaka Prefectural Urban Development CO,.Ltd. 大阪府都市开发。
By the end of 2005, all cities at prefectural level with the highway. 2005年年底前,全省所有地级市通高速公路。
The same procedure should be followed by Party committees below the prefectural and brigade levels. 地委、旅委以下的党委亦应如此。
The Central Government and the provincial and municipal (prefectural) governments should set up state property management organizations. 中央政府和省、市(地)两级地方政府设立国有资产管理机构。
The secretaries of prefectural, county and district Party committees should do likewise. 地县区的党委书记也应这样做。
Yes, says an official, that old fall-back of the call-centre has been tried in the prefectural capital, Morioka, with some success. 是的,正式的说,在地方中心福冈的呼叫中心恢复一些古老的产业是有一定的益处的。