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美[priː'hɑːvɪst]  英[priː'hɑːvɪst]
adj.  收获前的;收获期前的


  1. Other factors restricting preharvest sprouting are also discussed. 讨论了影响穗发芽的其它因素。
  2. Many fac tors in fluenced on preharvest sprouting and the inner factors were main factors. 指出影响作物采前发芽的因素较多,但起主要作用的是内因,即休眠期短或没有休眠期。
  3. The result implied that the resistance of preharvest sprouting in synthetic hexaploidy wheat could be transferred to common wheat by crossing. 这一研究结论清楚地表明,人工合成小麦穗发芽抗性是可以通过杂交转移到普通小麦中来的。
  4. So,bagging and preharvest calcium spray had relatively satisfied effects on the external quality and commercial value of Washington navel orange. 采前喷钙和套袋对提高华脐果实的外观品质和商品性具有很好的作用。
  5. The result showed that there was no significant correlation between preharvest sprout resistance and glume hardness of synthetic hexaploidy wheat in the whole population level. 研究结果表明:在群体水平上人工合成小麦的穗发芽抗性与其硬颖壳没有明显的相关关系。
  6. The result indicated that the percentages of rot, lost stock and browing index of the fruits with preharvest treatment of calcium were lower than those of contrast fruits. 结果表明,采前钙处理能够明显降低果实的腐烂率、掉梗率、褐变指数;