not yet having acquired the ability to read and write
used of a society that has not developed writing
Having no written language;preliterate. 没有文字的没有书面语言的;有文字记裁前的
Having no written language; preliterate. 没有文字的没有书面语言的;有文字记裁前的
Such fetishes were, and still are, worshipped in many preliterate societies. 在许多文字出现之前或无文字的社会里,这样的偶像曾经和仍然受到人们的顶礼膜拜。
Similar tales were told by various preliterate peoples in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. 在亚洲、非洲和美洲各国,文字出现之前,也有相似的传说。
The time span from those remote days to about 3500 B.C.E. is usually referee to as prehistoric or preliterate times. 从这遥远的日子至公元前3500年这一时段,通常称为史前或无文字记录时期。
In many preliterate cultures, especially gifted individuals act as shamans , i.e. as mediators between the natural and spiritual worlds. ,即担当现实世界和神灵世界的行道者。