A police dashboard camera caught the preteen out for a joyride. 一个警用仪表盘摄影机记录下了这个未成年人飙车的过程。
In Canada, students at that level are youth in their preteen(青春期前的) years as well as teenagers. 在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。
The great preteen hentai
Preteen schoolgirl Mitsuko was rapped by his fathers and became psychologically confused for this forbidden sex. 和亲生父亲发生关系的小学生美津子,虽不知道这就是那禁忌的近亲相奸,但亦产生了心理疾病。
Baker, thinking about the intense focus he'd seen on the face of his preteen son when playing videogames, agreed. “没人会去在乎这个的,”他说,“如果你真的想拉人进来,你就应该把他们放在中心位置。”