Fullan, M.(1997).What worth fighting for in the principalship. 陈木金(1999):学校组织变革压力与抗力对学校行政之启示。
Graduate School of Education, National principalship study. 供稿: Gross; Neal Crasilneck; 1920-; Harvard University.
IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. 那是在六月底的萨拉热窝,加夫里洛?普林齐普举枪向弗朗茨?斐迪南大公和他的妻子射击。
The principalship, once the province of men, is now more and more the province of the fairer sex. 校长职位一度曾是男人的天下,现在却日益成为女性的领地。
THOMAs J SERGIAVANNI.Tbe Principalship:A Reflective Practice Perspective[M].Allyn and Bacon,:1995:41-45. 祝智庭.;关于教育信息化的技术哲学观透视[J]
This experience was followed by accepting a very rewarding position, which was the principalship of a preschool through 6th grade school. 之后,我应邀担任了一所学前班到6年纪的学校的校长。