the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit
ROI tends to emphasize short-run profit rather than long-run profitability.片面强调短期收益而忽略长期收益性。
Government-owned La Poste, too, lags in profitability and speed of delivery, though France's size and population density plays a part too.国家所有的法国邮政,也在收益性和投递速度方面滞后,尽管,法国面积大,人口密度高也是部分原因。
Understand the link between reliability engineering and company profitability.意识到可靠性工程与公司盈利能力的关联。
Restoring profitability to the nonfinancial sector is the key to long-term growth.对于非金融行业来说,恢复盈利能力是长期发展的关键。