the state of being a proselyte; spiritual rebirth resulting from the zeal of crusading advocacy of the gospel
We pray that even though proselytism is banned in Brunei, Christians will find a way of sharing their faith safely. 虽然在汶莱是禁止改变信仰的,我们仍祷告基督徒能够为安全地分享信仰找到出路。
These are methods of proselytism with the promises of benefits after conversion. 在佛教中,这些都是鼓励人们信奉宗教,以从中得到好处的说辞。
Even proselytism progress, should be paid their blood, sweat and tears to try to smooth life, it will take in fat, I Yan, heart wide once drove out, make sure to stop , 2, 3; 就连劝人上进,都需对其付出鲜血、汗水和热泪;若要生活平稳,就需体胖、口严、心宽;一旦开车出门,切记一停、二看、三听;