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美[proʊ'vaɪrəs]  英[prəʊ'vaɪərəs]
n.  [微]前病毒
  形容词:proviral  名词复数:proviruses


  1. cDNA copy of the RNA genome of a retrovirus; the genetic material of a virus as incorporated into and able to replicate with the genome of a host cell


  1. It is capable of being integrated into the continuity of the host cell DNA as provirus. 它能作为原病毒组入寄主细胞的连续整体中去。
  2. All dogs must have been fully vaccinated and have received regular annual boosters against Distemper, Provirus, and Rabies. 所有寄养于本会之狗只,必须持有有效预防针咭正本。
  3. The genetically modified LoVo/GFP cells gave off strikingly bright green fluorescence, in which the integration of EGFP provirus was confirmed by PCR analysis. 双嗜型EGFP转导的LoVo细胞可稳定发出明亮的绿色荧光信号。 PCR分析显示 ,LoVo/GFP细胞内整合有EGFP原病毒。
  4. To elucidate the molecular basis ofthe attenuation ofDLA-EIAV in virulence thus provide theory foundation fordesigning HIV vaccine, thewhole genomes of DLA-EIAV and EJAV L provirus were cloned andsequenced. 本研究以DLA-EIAV感染细胞总DNA及其亲本强毒EIAVL株感染马外周血液白细胞中DNA为模板,应用PCR方法分段扩增出DLA-EIAV和L株的前病毒,并将各段扩增产物克隆后进行测序。
  5. Keywords AIDS;HIV;quantification;competition;differential;Dry Blood Spot;polymorphism;conformation;heteroduplex;vector;plasmid;recombinant;provirus; 艾滋病;人类免疫缺陷病毒;定量;竞争;差别;干血斑;多态性;构象;异源双链体;载体;质粒;重组;前病毒;
  6. endogenous provirus 内源性前病毒; 内源性原病毒