As itching resolved, so did the pruritic skin lesions. 研究人员表示,搔痒的问题解决了,皮肤损伤也痊愈了;
Less commonly, the skin lesions begin as pruritic red macules or papules. 在少数情况,皮肤病损开始于瘙痒的红色斑疹或丘疹。
A 20-year-old male presented with a intense pruritic skin rash for 1 month. 报告1例嗜酸性脓疱性毛囊炎。
He developed a pruritic erythematous maculopapular rash on his lower extremities. 他的下肢出现瘙痒性红色斑丘疹。
A 31-year-old female presented with a 2-3 day history of pruritic symmetric erythematous papules on both axillas, popliteal fossa, buttocks and groins. 患者女,31岁,因右侧腋下红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒3天,左侧腋窝、双侧腹股沟、腘窝和臀部对称性红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒2天来就诊。
A 41-old-male patient with porokeratosis on penis for 10 years developed intensively pruritic erythematous papules on the scrotum and perianal area. 患者男性,41岁。阴茎汗孔角化病10年后,在阴囊、肛周出现瘙痒剧烈的红色斑丘疹。