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美['sɪɡ]  英['sɪɡ]
n.  表压


  1. Standard pressure settings for saturated steam service are 5 through 15 psig. 对于饱和蒸汽系统来说,标准的压力设置是5至15 psig。
  2. Thrust requirements up to 25,000 Ibs. can be accommodated with standard bore size cylinders assuming minimum 80 PSIG field air supply. 大于25,000磅的推力要求可以通过配置标准镗孔的缸体执行机构来实现,在此假定现场气源压力最小为80PSIG。
  3. This plug of extruded elastomer can be lodged in the throat so tightly that even 2000 psig of pressure will not dislodge it. 突出的人造橡胶会紧紧的堵在喉管处,即使2000psig的压力也不能把它移走。
  4. Liquid containers operate at pressures up to350 psig and have capacities between 80 and450 liters of liquid. 液体容器可以在压力小于350psig的情况下工作,容积在80到450升液体之间。
  5. Carbon dioxide will convert directly from a liquid to a solid if the liquid is depressurized below76 psia (61 psig). 如果液体压力降到76psia(61psig)以下,直接从液态转化到固态。
  6. Turndown 10 to 1 with low pressure gas.Turndown 16 to 1 with 10 PSIG (700 mbar). 使用低压燃气时调节比可达10比1,使用10PSI的高压燃气时调节比可达16比1。