All parts are used medicinally for infantile paralysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.婴儿的麻痹和肺的结核病的全部深裂的可药用。
In the late phase of AIP, the pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and the pulmonary architectural injury progressed rapidly.晚期肺的间质纤维化呈急速发展并伴有进行性肺组织及肺结构的破坏。
This case illustrates the importance of screening for the presence of pulmonary AVM5 in patients with visceral vascular malformations or HHT.由此病例,我们建议对于任何脏器的动静脉畸形患者,应该进一步的筛检是否伴随有肺部的动静脉畸形。
It is usually secondary to alveolar rupture in the peripheral pulmonary interstitium, followed by dissection of air towards the hilum and mediastinum.通常次发于周边肺部的肺泡破裂,接著游离的气体沿著肺部间质移动至肺门及纵膈腔。