Then he went on to the front row and sat down beside Dolohov, giving a friendly and careless nudge with his elbow to the man whom other people treated with such punctilio. 然后他走到第一排,坐在多洛霍夫身旁,友善而随便地用臂肘推了一下别人阿谀奉承的多洛霍夫。
"Say rather," said the King, "that I will not give way, Dunois, to the headlong impetuosity, which, on some punctilio of chivalry, would wreck yourselves, the throne, France, and all. “我主人的第二个要求,”特使说道,“是请陛下不再和公爵的城市根特、列日和马林暗中来往。
b.The punctilio as well as the technics of the appearance still wants improving, esp the commissure of the body outside,which is "very very giant"! 做工有待提高,接缝过大。官方宣称顶级国际材质及做工,我看要打问号。这一项满分10分的话我打5分.