of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Carthage or its people or their language;
"the Punic Wars" "Carthaginian peace"
tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans;
"Punic faith" "the perfidious Judas" "the fiercest and most treacherous of foes" "treacherous intrigues"
First Punic War. Doors of the Temple of Janus are opened. 第一次布匿战争。亚努斯神殿的大门开启。
In the 3rd century BC it fought the Punic Wars with Rome. 西元前第3世纪,与罗马人展开布匿战争。
But even as early as the Punic Wars the sense of citizenship was being undermined by the growth of wealth and slavery. 但是,即使早在布匿战争时代,公民意识已经开始因为财富的增长和奴隶制发展而受到损害。
Second Punic War - Hannibal crosses the Alps but cannot inflict a decisive defeat. At the battle of Zama, Carthage is defeated and loses the war. 第二次迦太基战争-汉尼拔穿越了高山但是不能取得决定性胜利。扎玛战役中,迦太基被击败并且在输了战争。
We find numerous archaeological remains that date back to the Greek and Punic age. 我们能在城市周边发现大量自古希腊和古迦太基时期的考古学遗迹。
Third Punic War - results in the eventual destruction of Carthage as a result of a war of aggression by Rome, eager to defeat its old adversary. 第三次迦太基战争-罗马渴望击败老对手,作为侵略的结果是迦太基的彻底破坏。