They pupate in a thin cocoon of silk or silk and leaves. 在丝质茧或丝、叶交织成的薄茧内化蛹。
The silk gland secretions completely exhausted, the moths pupate change. 丝腺内的分泌物完全用尽,方化蛹变蛾。
Humility rather than humble, that is pupate into a butterfly Cheats. 谦卑而不卑微,这就是化蛹成蝶的秘籍。
The parasitized larvae had consumed more food than the healthy ones, but the former could not pupate. 被寄生的幼虫取食量较未被寄生的显著增加,但均不能正常化蛹。
Within a year, these worms grow to almost a full meter, and encase themselves inside a hard crystalline cask to pupate. 一年之内,这些蠕虫会成长至将近一公尺长,并将自己变成一个坚硬透明的蛹;
Worms will crawl between the newspaper layers to pupate, which makes it easy to collect them. 蠕虫会爬到之间该报层化蛹,这使得它很容易收集。