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美['kwɪntaɪl]  英['kwɪntaɪl]
n.  [天]五分之一对座(相隔72度);五分之一
adj.  五分之一的


  1. Those in the top quintile had a 62 percent lower risk of MS compared to those in the bottom quintile. 这些浓度最高的五分之一与浓度最低的五分之一相比患病风险性低62%25。
  2. Average rates continued to rise within the top quintile, with the top 1 percent facing an effective rate of 31.2 percent. 最高收入阶层的平均税率继续上涨,1%25的最高收入家庭的实际税率为31.;2%25。
  3. "The intakes for those at the highest quintile of meat consumption are much less at 18.6 and 14.8 grams per day for men and women respectively. “肉类消耗最多的人的纤维摄入量少得多,只有男性每天18.;6克,女性14
  4. It was Kepler in the 17th century who decided that the circle could be further divided by 5 and proceeded to create the quintile family of aspects. 在17世纪的开普勒确定了圆可以分成5等分,形成了5分的相位。
  5. In India, a 17-22 year old in the richest quintile has had an average of 11.1 years in education, compared with only 4.4 years for those in the poorest quintile. 在印度,17-22岁年龄阶段最富有的1/5人群平均受教育的时间是11.;1年,与之形成对比的是最贫穷的1/5人群平均受教育的时间是4