美['kwɪtəns] 英['kwɪtəns]
n. 免除;解除;赦免;报偿
Noun- a document or receipt certifying release from an obligation or debt
- payment of a debt or obligation
- Our works are finished at the moment, and it's the best quittance for our efforts. 我想说的是,我们的作品它来源于古代,但它不是单纯的挪用古代符号。
- Quit the nicotine reduction unconsciously and completely. Avoid maladjustment of incretion and disease of integration because of abrupt. So you can achieve quittance without pain. 戒烟:通过不断降低烟碱吸入量,使戒烟者在不知不觉中把身体内对烟碱的需求量减到零,同时避免因突然戒烟引起的内分泌失调和戒烟综合症,从而达到无痛苦戒烟的目的。
- When we get together, we have enough courage to accomplish our attempt.Our works are finished at the moment, and it's the best quittance for our efforts. 而我是用一种冷静而理性的心态对传统的再认识,从中找到我浮躁心灵的一个归宿,这是我的本份。
- Omittance is no quittance. 不催帐并不就是销帐。
- The Quittance from a dog 一头犬的回报