美[rə'kɪlə] 英[rə'kɪlə]
n. [植] 小穗轴;小花轴
- This is formed by the swollen lowest rachilla internode and adnate lower glume. 膨胀的最低的小穗轴节间和贴生的更低的颖片形成这。
- Spikelets in very dense heads; palea keeled; lodicules 3; glumes 2 or 3; rachilla internodes not disarticulating. 在非常紧密的头状花序里的小穗;内稃翻转;鳞被3;颖片2或3;小穗轴节间不脱节。
- Specimens occur sporadically throughout the range of the species in which the rudimentary second floret at the end of the rachilla extension is better developed. 在整个分布区的本种期间不时发生标本发生在哪个这不发育秒小花在扩展好发育的那些小穗轴结束时。
- rachilla disarticulating above glumes and between florets. 小穗轴高于颖片脱节和在小花之间。
- rachilla glabrous or scabrid, sometimes minutely hairy; 小穗轴无毛或者粗糙,有时精确有毛;
- rachilla internodes ca. 2 mm, minutely hairy, laterally visible; 小穗轴节间的约2毫米,精确有毛,侧面可见;