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美['rænjələ]  英['rænjʊlə]
n.  [医] 舌下囊肿


  1. a cyst on the underside of the tongue


  1. Continuous pressure was given to ranula by binding up from submandible to help absorption of ranula. 经口内手术摘除舌下腺,颌下区囊肿穿刺抽吸后持续加压包扎,促进囊肿吸收。
  2. Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value and clinical meaning of high-frequency ultrasound for plunge ranula. 目的:评价超声对潜突型舌下腺囊肿的诊断价值及临床意义。
  3. All of the cases are cured by extirpating the sublingual gland.Conclusion: The plunge ranula is much l... 手术完整摘除舌下腺是治疗舌下腺囊肿关键,一般多采用口内进路进行手术。
  4. We present a rare case of giant plunging ranula with headache and trismus, associated with an extensive right-sided tender swelling of the neck. 本病例为一罕见之巨大颈部蛤蟆肿以广泛颈部账痛、头痛及牙关紧闭表现。
  5. The patient had undergone surgery for an oral ranula 15 months previously, without complete excision of the sublingual gland. 病人曾于一年半前曾接受过口底蛤蟆肿切除手术,但并未完整的摘除舌下腺。
  6. We suggest that excision of the cyst together with the sublingual gland is the treatment of choice for most ranula cases. 所以我们认为手术切除囊肿及舌下腺是蛤蟆肿的最佳选择。