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美[rɪsiːvə'bɪlɪtɪ]  英[rɪsiːvə'bɪlɪtɪ]
n.  可以接受;可接纳


  1. In the modern world, smoking is no longer be considered to be a receivability activity in social communication. 在当今的世界上,吸烟不再被认为是大多数人社会交际方面可以接受的行为.
  2. The hire of building is more;Denizen receivability pay-charge serve.Conclusion Development of co... 与一般产业不同 ,其筹资方式、补偿机制需要依赖于多方筹措。
  3. Position Objective: -Report to China Finance DirectorKey Responsibilities:Supervise Transaction Processing (T/P), Receiv...... ... 公司名称:英维思过程系统(中国)/上海福克斯波罗有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-28
  4. METHODS:Morphine was subcutaneously injected into the rat with dose increasin g method to establish heroin dependence rat model. Rats of naloxone group receiv ed subcutaneously injection of 2 mg/kg of naloxone to excite abstinent symptoms. 方法:采用剂量递增法皮下注射吗啡建立大鼠吗啡依赖模型,然后对戒断组大鼠皮下注射2mg/kg的盐酸纳络酮激发戒断症状。
  5. universal synchronousasynchronous receiv 通用同步异步收发信机
  6. if your price is competitve, and the delivery date is receivability, we can book shipments for you. 如果你方报价肯有竞争性,交货日期可以接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。