This is attention of a special need and reconciliatory problem. 这是一个非常需要关注和解决的问题。
Dispute cannot see reconciliatory a favourable turn temporarily, but the birth that perhaps brewing a new order. 纠纷暂时无法看到和解的转机,但也许正酝酿着一个新秩序的诞生。
Suu Kyi is an “indispensable partner for reconciliatory dialogue in Myanmar,” the secretary-general told CNN. 翁山苏姬是调停谈判中不可或缺的人物,“潘基文告诉CNN。
Because the contract agrees, both sides keeps secret consistently to reconciliatory specific provision. 因为合同商定,双方对息争的具体条目分歧泄密。
How does the economy of new Chongqing grow?Need research and reconciliatory problem are very much. 新重庆的经济怎样发展?需要研究和解决的问题很多。
This pessimistic mass society thesis stressed the conservative and reconciliatory role of mass culture for the audience. 这个悲观的大众社会论题为听众强调 "大众文 化" 的保守和和解的角色。