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美[riː'kɒŋkwest]  英[riː'kɒŋkwest]
n.  再征服;夺回


  1. Major battle of the Christian reconquest of Spain. 基督徒重新占领西班牙的一场大战役。
  2. The fortress belongs to the early years of the Reconquest. 当然这7座风车已经只是装饰品了。
  3. It was certainly in a mood of exultation that the "reyes Catolicos" set about the reconquest of Granada. “天主教国王”开始重新征服格拉纳达,他们当然欢欣鼓舞。
  4. The emergence during the fifties of the scientifictechnological elite now gave him the men with whom to begin the reconquest of the Pentagon. 科学技术权贵在五十年代的出现,使他这时有了开始重新征服五角大楼的帮手。
  5. The manufacture entered Christendom either through Greece or by the capture of Moorish paper-mills during the Christian reconquest of Spain. 造纸业要么是通过希腊进入基督教世界,要么是因为基督教在又一次征服西班的过程中夺取了穆斯林的造纸厂。
  6. Haitian Reconquest of Santo Domingo 海地再克圣多明各(1822)