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美['redwɪŋ]  英['redwɪŋ]
n.  红翼柬鸟


  1. 【鸟】红翼鸫鸟
  2. 【鸟】红翼柬鸟
  3. 【鸟】红翼鸫
  4. 【鸟】白眉歌鸫


  1. North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings
  2. small European thrush having reddish flanks


  1. It was quiet. A redwing blackbird sat on fence wire and looked in at her. 周围静悄悄,一只红翼鸫鸟栖息在铁丝网上望着她。
  2. First Drive to use Magnetoresistive Heads and PRML Data Decoding (1990): IBM's model 681 (Redwing), an 857 MB drive, is the first to use MR heads and PRML. 第一个使用磁阻磁头和PRML解码的硬盘(1990): IBM的681(红翼鸫),容量857MB,是第一个使用磁阻式磁头和PRML的硬盘。
  3. No, I am sorry, but let's hear it for the Redwing fans in Detroit, and Assuri faithful in Milan, and the Mariner admirers in Seattle and all the others wherever in the world they care about "their team". 哦,对不起,不过让我们为底特律红翼曲棍球队的球迷,米兰的阿诺里的球迷,以及西雅图的水手棒球队的崇拜者们,还有世界各地的其他关注他们“自己的球队”的球迷们欢呼吧。
  4. The faint silvery 1)warblings heard over the partially bare and moist fields from the 2)bluebird, the 3)song sparrow, and the 4)redwing, as if the last flakes of winter tinkled as they fell! 知更鸟、歌雀、红翼鸫在部分光秃而潮湿的田野里轻吟出银铃般的旋律,犹如冬天最后的雪花簌簌地飘向大地。
  5. No,I am sorry,but let's hear it for the Redwing fans in Detroit,and Assuri faithful in Milan,and the Mariner admirers in Seattle and all the others wherever in the world they care about 哦,对不起。不过让我们为底特律红翼曲棍球队的球迷、米兰的阿诺里的球迷、以及西雅图的水手棒球队的崇拜者们,还有世界各地的其他关注他们“自己的球队”的球迷们欢呼吧。