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美[rɪ'fɔːdʒər]  英[rɪ'fɔːdʒər]
n.  再造;新造


  1. Time is critical as REFORGER units need time to assemble and form for the important counter attack. 时间非常要紧,因为对德武力回援单位需要时间为重大反攻进行集结与编组。
  2. This theses bonding Pal ian civic practical situation, proceeds in epth research on the operat. ion how reforger of RPR&11X .The RPR&TDC touch on the whole society. 本论文运用所学管理科学与工程专业的知识,特别是管理科学与系统科学的思想、原理与方法,结合大连市的实际情况,对户证管理业务流程再造进行了深入研究。
  3. The fifth chapter present one set of specifi.c executivc plan for Dalian Civic operation flow reforger Of RPR&.IDC .The scheme is concretion.Firstly, present the entire clue. 第五章提出了一套具体的大连市户证管理业务流程再造实施方案。
  4. Obviously, although “the accountability storm” a word is the reforger, but cannot not say described China expressively immediately “the blowing up for rain” the political ecology. 不言自明,“问责风暴”一词虽系新造,但不可不谓传神地描绘了中国当下“山雨欲来风满楼”的政坛生态。
  5. The paper analyzes the present process of library,ascertains the core process of library,the optimization of library business process and reforger of library organization culture,etc. 分析图书馆现有流程,界定图书馆的核心流程、图书馆业务流程优化和再造图书馆组织文化。
  6. Objective: To discuss the reforger of hospital s service flow for inpatients by investigating and analyzing the awareness rate, cure rate and control rate of inpatients with chronic diseases. 目的:调查分析住院慢性病患者的知晓率、治疗率、控制率,对医院服务流程再造进行探讨。