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美[riː'ɡɜːdʒɪtənt]  英[riː'ɡɜːdʒɪtənt]
adj.  回流的;反刍的


  1. Regurgitant murmurs are generally early diastolic whereas ventricular filling murmurs occur in mid and late diastole. 回流性杂音一般出现于舒张早期,而心室充盈性杂音一般出现于舒张中晚期。
  2. An alternative classification emphasizes etiology: regurgitant murmurs from semilunar insufficiency versus ventricular filling murmurs. 另一种分类则着重于其病因:由半月瓣闭锁不全所致的回流性杂音对心室充盈性杂音。
  3. They measured the effectie regurgitant orifice and ealuated indices of mitral deformation, including systolic alular tenting and mitral annular contraction. 他们评价了返流时有效的二尖瓣口大小和二尖瓣异形程度,包括收缩期瓣膜的展开及二尖瓣的收缩。
  4. Purpose:The aim of the study was to quantitate analogue mitral regurgitant (MR)jet size with three dimensional(3D)reconstruction in vitro pulsatile flow model. 目的:采用三维(3D)超声重建技术定量评价模拟二尖瓣返流(MR)的大小。
  5. Methods By directly integrating the mitral regurgitant jet in space and in time during the systole, 19 patients with eccentric MR were examined by the modified ACOM, and the severity of the 19 patients using RV as evaluation parameter was graded. 方法对19例患偏心性反流患者采用ACOM改进法,于收缩相对经二尖瓣反流瓣口的血流速度直接进行时间和空间双重积分,得到二尖瓣反流量,并将反流量作为评价参数,对患者的反流严重程度进行划分。
  6. late systolic regurgitant murmur 收缩晚期返流性杂音