More Islam is what some want, with a reimposition of puritanism at home, and boldness in foreign affairs. 各方意见全然不同。一些人想要的是更多的伊斯兰主义,即:在家重新实行清教主义,对外采取强硬胆大的外交政策。
Other energy sectors, such as oil and power generation, have seen a reimposition of price caps and windfall-profit taxes. 而且,实行限价和征收暴利税等措施已经出现在石油和电力等其他能源领域。
Coming amidst the reimposition of quotas on imports of some Chinese textiles and with rising anti-Chinese fervour on Capitol Hill, the American message to China is clear: do something about the yuan fast, or risk a protectionist backlash. 由于美国对一些中国纺织品进口重新实行配额限制以及国会山日益高涨的反华呼声,美国人传递给中国的讯息已十分明确:赶快对人民币有所作为吧,否则就等着美国贸易保护主义者们报复吧。
They are meditating a reimposition of the tax on corn 他们正在考虑对谷物重新征税。