I trust Japan is anxiously measuring and figuring out what it can remilitarize so she can protect their people from fearing of being bombed by another nuclear WMD. 我相信日本也在焦虑的衡量的估算如何重新军事化以保护其人民免遭另一次核武器攻击的恐惧。
Chinese strategists, Pillsbury explained, cannot deviate from this basic picture by, for example, saying that unipolar U.S. Domination will continue indefinitely or that Japan will not remilitarize. Pillsbury解释到,中国的战略家们不能用一些方式来偏离这个基本观点,比如,认为单极的美国统治继续性存在不确定性,或者认为日本将不会再次走军事化道路。