"his resoluteness carried him through the battle" "it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work"
Wang Y W, Bonilla M, Mcnair H M. J High Resolut Chromatogr, 1997,20: 213. 李攻科;何小青;杨云;张展霞.;微波皂化萃取气相色谱法测定生物榈中的氯联苯[J]
To learn, we need to have a child's artlessness, a camel's endurance, and a lion's courage and resoluteness. 认真学习则要有:赤子的真诚、骆驼的耐力和狮子的勇猛。
Beauty comparable to the sun, meaning beautiful; pointing a dagger at the sun, symbolizes resoluteness, objective. 比日之美也,引申为美意;又,以匕首指日,意志也,目的也
Inclined to resoluteness but not to learning, boastfulness would be the failure. 刚强,却不喜欢学习,其弊乃狂妄。”
Only when we have a virtuous person's integrity and resoluteness is it possible to be carefree. 唯有具备了君子的品格和毅力,才配谈洒脱。
But this four-year-old child's resoluteness made me surprised.The most strong quality of human being is endurance. 她已经是个孤儿了,我们见过太多的眼泪,可这个四岁的小女孩的坚强让我惊讶!