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美[rɪ'zʌmptɪvlɪ]  英[rɪ'zʌmptɪvlɪ]
adv.  概括地


  1. The polyphasic taxonomy of Rhizobia resumptively includes two major types of phenotypic group-dividing method and genotypic group-dividing method. 根瘤菌的多相分类技术包括表型的分群方法和遗传型的分群方法两大类。
  2. This paper resumptively introduces the gist of design of electromagnetism, structure and so on of the large synchronous motor driving mine winder. 概括了矿井提升同步电动机的电磁、结构等方面的设计要点。
  3. Thinking can indirectly and resumptively reflects intrinsical attribute and inherent rule of existent in the function of human brain. 思维是人脑对客观事物本质属性和内部规律性的间接的、概括的反映。
  4. First chapter discusses resumptively legislation of TEN-NATIONS, and expounds all kinds of social factors in TEN-NATIONS influencing its legal thought. 第一章,概括论述十国各政权的立法状况,以及阐述十国社会对十国法律思想影响的各种因素;
  5. In chapter 1, the developing status of enterprises and pesticide industry were resumptively described, which included developing course of industry, selling and keeping of enterprise, exploiting capacity of market, trend of technical study ect. 本文第一章概括地分析了国内外农药产业、农药企业的发展状况,包括农药产业发展历程、企业销售经营、市场开拓发展特点、技术研发趋势及特点等方面内容。 第二章,综述了企业绩效理论、评价方法和农药企业的绩效研究状况。
  6. In the third chapter, the research of provenance and development of Confucianism is resumptively summarized, including “Guanxi”, Confucianism ethic and economic concepts of Confucianism. 第三章,作者对儒家文化思想的起源和发展作了概括性的论述,并对国内外其他学者关于儒家思想的研究做了简单总结,包括关系思想、儒家道德思想和经济伦理。