Retinoscope consists of placing lenses before the patient\'s eye to shift the far point to the retinoscope. 视网膜检影镜的原理是在被测眼前放置透镜,使被测眼的远点逐渐移至视网膜检影镜所在位置。
By using a special instrument, called a retinoscope, your eye doctor can arrive at an accurate prescription. 用一种特殊的器械,叫做视网膜检影镜,你的眼科医生会得出一个正确的处方。
God,you are high myopia and be astigmatism and glaucoma ,presbyopic and cataract , you are so blind. why don't you go to take a retinoscope operation ? 苍天啊,你是高度近视加散光,还是青光老花白内障啊,你瞎成这个样子,也不去做个视网膜手术啊?