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美[rɪ'vɜːrs]  英[rɪ'vɜːs]
v.  逆转;倒退;互换;改变
adj.  相反的;反面的;颠倒的
n.  相反;背面;失败;倒档
  副词:reversely  名词:reverser  过去式:reversed  过去分词:reversed  现在分词:reversing  第三人称单数:reverses


  1. (使)翻转
  2. 撤销,取消
  3. 【机】(使)倒退, 使倒开,倒退行驶
  4. (使)反向
  5. 彻底改变, 完全改变
  6. 【律】推翻
  7. (使)颠倒
  8. (使)反转,(使)倒转,逆转
  9. 交换,掉换
  10. 翻(案)
  11. 【机】回动
  12. 向左转
  13. 使成正相反的东西
  14. 使绕行
  15. 使完全相反
  16. 废除
  17. 使次序颠倒
  18. 承认错误
  19. 放弃(立场)
  20. 反过来,在背面
  1. 相反的,颠倒的
  2. 反面的,背面的
  3. 反向的
  4. 回动的
  5. 反对的
  6. 倒转的,翻转的
  7. 背后的,朝后的
  8. 【生】倒卷的,反卷的
  9. 倒开的
  10. 逆流的
  11. 左卷的
  12. 逆转的
  1. 相反
  2. 失败,挫折
  3. 背面,反面,后面
  4. 反向
  5. 倒转
  6. 倒霉
  7. 倒退
  8. 【机】回动 ,回动装置
  9. 反对
  10. 颠倒
  11. 托尾
  12. 逆境,不幸
  13. 倒挡
  14. 相反的情况
  15. 损失


  1. vt. & vi. 反转; 颠倒; 翻转 turn the other way round or up or inside out
  2. vt. 使倒退 cause to go in the opposite direction
  1. [A]相反的,颠倒的,反向的 opposite to the usual or former, especially in position or direction
  1. [S]相反 the opposite; the other way round
  2. [S]钱币的反面〔背面〕 the side of a coin that does not show the ruler's head
  3. [C]失败,挫败 a defeat or change to a worse condition
  4. [U]倒车挡; 倒转装置 gear for backwards movement


  1. a relation of direct opposition;

    "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true"

  2. the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed
  3. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating
  4. the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design
  5. (American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction
  6. turning in the opposite direction
  1. directed or moving toward the rear;

    "a rearward glance" "a rearward movement"

  2. of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle;

    "in reverse gear"

  3. reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect
  1. change to the contrary;

    "The trend was reversed" "the tides turned against him" "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"

  2. turn inside out or upside down
  3. rule against;

    "The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill"

  4. cancel officially;

    "He revoked the ban on smoking" "lift an embargo" "vacate a death sentence"

  5. reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of;

    "when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb"


  1. reverse appreciably明显地改变
  2. reverse automatically自动地改变
  3. reverse dramatically戏剧性地改变
  4. reverse exactly恰恰相反
  1. reverse of a gramophone record唱片的反面
  2. reverse of the cover套子背面
  1. go into reverse挂倒挡
  2. see the reverse看到事物的反面
  3. suffer a reverse遭受挫折
  1. financial reverse经济上的挫折
  2. serious〔slight〕 reverse严重〔轻微〕的挫折
  3. severe reverse惨败
  4. tactical reverse战术上的失败
  5. unexpected reverse出乎意料的不幸遭遇
  1. in reverse相反,反之
  2. put a car in reverse使汽车倒退
  3. take the enemy in reverse从背面攻击敌人
  4. on the reverse在背面,(汽车)倒开着


  1. The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。
  2. He reversed the car into a tree.他倒车撞到了树上。
  1. Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries.统计数字表明这种趋向与其他国家所示情况迥异。
  2. Count down in reverse order 10, 9, 8...倒数--10、 9、 8...
  1. In hot weather, the reverse happens.在热天,情况相反。
  2. There's a picture of an eagle on the reverse of the coin.这个硬币的背面是一只鹰的图案。
  3. Put the car into reverse.把车挂上倒挡。


    reverse的基本意思是转向反面,或相反位置,也可指改变方向。指将不正确的顺序或位置颠倒过来,使之恢复正常顺序。引申可指扭转家庭败落等状况。 reverse也可作“电话费由受话一方支付”解,这主要是英式英语的用法。 reverse既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。